Longmont Pickleball Club |
Longmont Pickleball ClubWill advocate for more courts with the city of Longmont - more members means more influence Will provide a means to deliver a unified message about pickleball concerns and activities to the City of Longmont and to the community at large. Will promote pickleball activities in an atmosphere of safety, friendliness and fair play. Will provide opportunities to play pickleball for players of all skill levels. Will promote the growth and development of pickleball in Longmont through periodic clinics and social activities. Will provide club members with
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Ask questions, share your pickleball adventures, and chat with fellow LPC members. Play for free at 3rd Shot Pickleball! See the flyer below for info on how to get free court time. Suggestion: Players can get together and coordinate so you can reserve consecutive blocks of court time for longer play. | A Big Thank you to the City of Longmont for our new Clark Centennial Park courts
See our Events page for additional upcoming events. Lost and Found -Babolet paddle at Hover on 7/06 -Alpen black thermos We will list lost and found items here that members send to us. Click here | What's been happening