Longmont Pickleball Club

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Places to Play


Hover Acres Park

6 dedicated lighted courts
1361 Charles Dr, Longmont, CO 80503

Clark Centennial Park

10 new dedicated courts

4 painted courts with nets available in a lockbox for LPC members

7 AM - 10 PM

1100 Lashley St, Longmont, CO 80504

To reserve courts, call the Recreation Center at 303-774-4800 and the front desk staff will be able to provide individual court rentals for Clark Centennial Park. Courts at Hover Acres Park cannot be reserved at this time.

Left Hand Creek Park

4 previously taped courts with nets in a lockbox for LPC members

7 AM - 10PM

1800 Creekside Dr, Longmont, CO 80501

AUGUST 2024 Nets and lockbox was removed.  The City will not allow pickleball at this location.  NOVEMBER 2023 NOTICE: The City of Longmont received a complaint about the tape at Lefthand.  A skater tripped and fell due to the tape.  The City investigated and removed the tape.  They intend to paint lines at Lefthand; however, they are waiting on a community meeting to discuss noise complaints at this location.  Longmont Pickleball Club will not hold events at Left Hand Creek Park until further notice as requested by the City..

Collyer Park

2 lighted lined dual-purpose pickleball/tennis courts
600 Collyer St, Longmont, CO 80501

Settlers Park

3 dedicated PB courts

11447 Deerfield Dr, Firestone, CO 80504

Barefoot Lakes Park

2 dedicated PB Courts

12636 Lake Terrace St, Firestone, CO 80504

Available only to members of the St Vrain Lakes Metro District and their guests.

Thompson Rivers Parks & Recreation

4 courts and it is FREE

320 Centennial Drive

Milliken, CO 80543

Sundays 8:00 am-11:00 am 

Mondays 8:00 am-11:00 am
Wednesday 8:00 am-11:00 am
Friday 8:00 am-11:00 am 

Use Playtime to see who and how many are playing


3rd Shot Pickleball

8 courts Cost: Monthly membership plus court fees

20 Bowen, Longmont, CO 80501

Longmont Rec Center

2 courts.  Cost:  $5.00
7:15am – 9am Monday, Wednesday, Friday
1:30pm – 4pm Monday – Friday

2pm-4PM Sunday

310 Quail Rd, Longmont CO 80501

Longmont Athletic Club: 

2 courts 6 outdoor courts.  Cost:  $4.00 an hour for LAC members, $10 for nonmembers.  Use code LPC1 when calling to reserve courts

Many scheduled Meetup events.  Call for openings

10 Mountain View Ave, Longmont CO 80501

Longmont  YMCA

4 courts - cost is $15 daily pass for nonmembers, free for members, and Silver Sneakers, and new program
12:30pm – 2:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

12:30pm – 1:45pm Wednesday 2 courts
1:30pm – 4:30 pm.  Saturday, Sunday
950 Lashley, Longmont CO 80504

Faith Point Church:  Winter only

3 courts.   Cost:  $3.00
Scheduled on the Longmont PIckleball Club Events Page
833 15th Ave, Longmont, CO 80501

To report City court issues:

Here's the link for ServiceWorks, the link to report issues to the city.



Actually accessing the form to enter information is a two step process:

  1. Push the big blue Service Works! button.  A new tab will open that has several available departments within the city.
  2. For pickleball court related issues, select "Parks and Trails"
  3. Fill out the form.

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