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Longmont Pickleball Club, Inc Bylaws
Section A - The name of the organization will be the Longmont Pickleball Club, INC, hereafter referred to as the LPC in these bylaws.
Section B - The objectives of the LPC shall be to:
• Provide a unified message regarding pickleball concerns and activities to the governing bodies of the City of Longmont and to the community at large. In particular, to advocate for additional pickleball courts in Longmont.
• Provide opportunities to play pickleball for players of all skill levels
• Promote pickleball activities in an atmosphere of safety, friendliness and fair play within the Longmont community.
Section A. There shall be five members of the Board. Co-Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and Board Member at Large.
Section B. Each of these officers has one vote on all matters requiring action by the Board. A majority vote of Directors present with a minimum quorum of three Board members will dictate decisions.
Section C. All Director terms shall be for one year and there is no limit to the number of terms a member may serve. Open positions on the Board shall be filled by the remaining Board members by recruitment from existing LPC members. Related parties may not serve on the board at the same time. A slate of candidates will be prepared by the Secretary and distributed by email to the membership. Voting by the membership will be via email with a cutoff of 5 days and reported at the next board meeting.
Section D. If any member of the Board is not fulfilling their responsibilities, that Board member may be removed from their position during the term of office. A unanimous vote of the other four Board members is required to remove a Director from the Board.
Section E. Duties and Responsibilities of Directors
• Co-Chairperson: Shall preside over all LPC meetings and be accountable for the administration of all LPC business. Shall carry out the direction and policies established by the Board. Is the principle liaison with the Parks and Recreation Department.
•Treasurer: Shall handle all LPC financial receipts and payments. The primary signatory on the LPC account and will make deposits within a week of receiving funds. Responsible for filing all required state and federal statements at the end of each year.
• Secretary: Shall be responsible for issuing notices of all meetings of the Board and General Membership meetings. Shall keep minutes thereof, conduct all correspondence relating to LPC business. Responsible for maintaining a roster of current members.
•Board Member at Large - Shall perform duties assigned by the Chairperson.
• All LPC members shall comply with the Rules, Regulations, and Policies of the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Longmont.
• Pickleball play shall be in accordance with the rules of the United States of America Pickleball Association (USAPA).
• General rules and regulations governing court use as established by the Board of the LPC shall be followed by all pickleball players during LPC reserved playing times.
• The LPC will reserve courts with the Parks and Recreation Department for LPC sponsored scheduled play, tournaments and activities as permitted by the rules and regulations of the Longmont Parks & Recreation Department and as deemed appropriate by the Board.
• The LPC fiscal year shall run from January 1 through December 31.
• Membership is voluntary and is open to all persons and skill levels that are interested and physically able to play pickleball and by payment of the designated membership fee.
• There shall be no precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organizations.
• The membership fee is to be used to pay for the cost of LPC operations.
• Membership fees will be reviewed annually by the Board and members will be notified of changes.
• Payment of the full amount of the membership fees is required to be a member in good standing. An individual can join the LPC at any time during the year but membership fees are not prorated.
• A roster of the membership will be maintained and preference of play for all events and activities of the LPC will be given to the roster list.
• After receiving approval from the LPC Board via email (longmontpickleballclub@gmail.com), Non-Members will be allowed to play as a guest of the LPC.
● Non-member playing privileges shall NOT extend to Ladders, Leagues, Mixers, Tournaments or any other special event that is intended for LPC members only.
• Communications of LPC information will be done by email (longmontpickleballclub@gmail.com and/or our website.
• Notices of the annual meeting of the LPC membership shall be given at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting.
• An annual meeting of the membership will be held each year and special meetings with a specified purpose and notice of the membership can be called for by the Board, as needed.
• The Board may call meetings of its members, as necessary, to conduct LPC business. Unless otherwise stated in such notice, any and all business may be transacted at any meeting without specification of such business or the purpose(s) of the meeting therein.
• Action on all issues brought before the membership at the annual, or any special meeting, will be done by a simple majority of affirmative vote of members in good standing present at the meeting by show of hands.
• The Board of the LPC cannot obligate any individual member for any personal action or financial obligation.
• Individual LPC members are not empowered to obligate the LPC, the Board, or any individual member.
• Where revenues do exceed expenses, the net gain will be used to offset future reservation cost, equipment and LPC activities. LPC dues may be adjusted, if necessary, to ensure that the LPC operates as a not for profit corporation.
Amendments or repeals of the By-Laws shall be approved by a majority affirmative vote of members responding.
Members of the LPC and other participants understand and agree that their participation in any event or activity sponsored by the Longmont Pickleball Club, Inc (LPC) may involve substantial risks and dangers to life, health, and property. LPC members or other participants assume all risks associated with these events and releases and will hold harmless the members, officers, agents, representatives and volunteers of the Longmont Pickleball Club, Inc from any and all liability, claims and costs of every kind, including reasonable attorney's fee, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, but not including gross negligence, that may arise out of their participation in any such event. This personal release shall serve as a release and assumption of risk for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators.
LPC shall, to the extent legally permissible, indemnify each person who may serve or who has served at any time as an officer or director of LPC against all expenses and liabilities, including, without limitation, counsel fees, judgments, fines, excise taxes, penalties and settlement payments, reasonably incurred by or imposed upon such person in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding in which he or she may become involved by reason of his or her service in such capacity; provided that no indemnification shall be provided for any such person with respect to any matter as to which he or she shall have been finally adjudicated in any proceeding not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that such action was in the best interests of the LPC; and further provided that any compromise or settlement payment shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of directors who are not at that time parties to the proceeding. The indemnification provided hereunder shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of persons entitled to indemnification hereunder. The right of indemnification under this Article shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which any person may be entitled. No amendment or repeal of the provisions of this Article which adversely affects the right of an indemnified person under this Article shall apply to such person with respect to those acts or omissions which occurred at any time prior to such amendment or repeal, unless such amendment or repeal was voted by or was made with the written consent of such indemnified person. This Article constitutes a contract between the LPC and the indemnified officers or directors. No amendment or repeal of the provisions of this Article which adversely affects the right of an indemnified officer or director under this Article shall apply to such officer or director with respect to those acts or omissions which occurred at any time prior to such amendment or repeal.
ARTICLE 11 – DISCLAIMER • The Longmont Pickleball Club, Inc (LPC) exists and operates as a distinct and separate entity from the City of Longmont, including any public or private clubs or gyms.
• Rules, regulations, and membership fees of the LPC do not apply to the open play sessions and classes offered by the Longmont Recreation/Senior Center or any other pickleball venue, public or private.
ARTICLE 12 - CODE OF CONDUCT The mission of the LPC is to promote the growth and development of pickleball. This sport will succeed best if its players embrace the values of good sportsmanship. It is essential that LPC members, in promoting this mission, model good behavior, lead by example, display respect and show self-control.
• I will treat others with respect and exhibit fairness and honesty in my dealings with others.
• I will be a positive influence on members and others to encourage teamwork and fair play.
• I will be respectful of those players on the court and avoid unnecessary interruptions by nonplayers.
• I will accept responsibility for guests and family members in attendance at events.
• I will not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety or well-being of others.
• I will not engage in the use of obscene or offensive language on the court or near court areas.
• I will not engage in unacceptable behavior, arguing, threatening, or otherwise unsportsmanlike conduct or encourage others to do so.
• I will not engage in physical abuse, threats or harassment.
• I will not criticize my partner, referees, or other members and fault them for their mistakes.
Players not following the Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the courts. Repeat offenders may be expelled from the LPC by unanimous vote of the Board. No fees will be refunded to expelled
Article 13 - Termination or Denial of Membership
a) If the conduct of a member shall appear to the Board to be disorderly or to be prejudicial to the
welfare or good name of the Club, or if in any way any member conducts him/herself in a
manner not authorized by or in violation of the Bylaws of the Club or the safety rules and
guidelines set forth in Article 12, he or she may be subject to suspension or expulsion at the
discretion of the Board, depending on whether such infraction is deemed to be slight or
serious. Any misconduct or infraction censured as a first offense subjects him/her to suspension
or expulsion upon the repetition of such misconduct or infraction. Any physical violence is
automatic expulsion.
b) For purposes of this section, a procedure is fair and reasonable when the bylaws or a written
policy of the Board of Directors state a procedure that provides:
• Not less than ten days prior written notice of the proposed expulsion, suspension, or termination by
a person or persons is given to the subject member. In the case of expulsion, suspension, or
termination the subject member shall be denied access to the Club property and all rights of
membership until an appeal is heard.
• An opportunity for the subject member to be heard, orally or in writing, not less than five
days before the expiration of the time provided in 13(b)(i). The appeal shall be heard by the
Board of Directors whose decision shall be communicated to the subject member within 24
hours after appeal having been heard. The Board of Directors is authorized to decide the
proposed expulsion, suspension, or termination not to take place or that such expulsion,
termination, or suspension shall be effective and in the case of such expulsion, termination,
or suspension the period during which such action shall be in force.
• In the event that the Board of Directors determines that a period of suspension is
appropriate the Board shall decide a suspension period of not less than one month nor
more than twelve months during which all privileges and rights of membership in the Club
shall be suspended. He/she shall show evidence of AMA membership and pay all current
dues before being restored to full membership.
• An expelled or terminated member can reapply for admission to the Club after some period
to be determined by the Board, but not less than 18 months. The person should apply to the
Board and make an appeal in person at a hearing/meeting called for that purpose. He/she
shall show evidence of AMA membership and pay all current dues before being restored to
full membership.
c) In case such an offending member is expelled or terminated from membership in the Club,
he/she shall forthwith forfeit all rights, title, dues, and interest in/or to the Club or its property.
d) A member censured, suspended, or expelled per the above, shall have the right to appeal said
action to the members present at the next regular meeting. A two-thirds vote of the members
present shall sustain or revoke said appeal and such a decision shall not be subject to further
Article 14 - Distribution of the club assets in the event that the club disbands
The nonprofit's assets remaining upon dissolution will be donated to a qualified charitable organization.
2023 Board of Directors
Co-Chairperson – Brett Sloan (sloan.brett.a@gmail.com )
· Directs the overall activities of the Longmont Pickleball Club, Inc in accordance with its bylaws and policies.
Co-Chairperson – Jean Cable (jean_cable@yahoo.com )
· Directs the overall activities of the Longmont Pickleball Club, Inc in accordance with its bylaws and policies
Secretary – Abby Brause (a.brause@comcast.net)
· Maintains Longmont Pickleball records, Board meeting minutes, and member roster.
Treasurer – Kurt Pourbaix (kurt@pourbaix.us)
· Handles Longmont Pickleball Club finances and business management.
Event Coordinators –Jean Cable (jean_cable@yahoo.com)
· Coordinates LPC play, ladder play, LPC tournaments and special events for all skill levels.
Board Member At Large – Bob Bowman (bob.bowman70@gmail.com )
· Will perform duties assigned by the Chairperson.
January 2023